MONEY! FASHION! POWER! Fashion Revolution's first 'zine
March already? For heavens' sake. As we speed into spring, Fashion Revolution - the global movement working for a more sustainable fashion industry - is gearing up for its annual week of campaigning in April with the launch of its first publication, a nippy little ‘zine called ‘Money Fashion Power’.
And of course, because it’s Fashion Revolution and they like shaking things up, Money Fashion Power is aimed squarely at millennials who aren’t thrilled about the future being laid out for them.
You know those long tracts that make you lie face down on the floor in despair? This isn’t one of them. 'Money Fashion Power' explores the hidden stories behind your clothing in 72 pages of punchy poetry, illustration, photography, graphic design and editorial by talented young artists.
Contributors includes artist Tyler Spangler, illustrator Alex Jenkins, illustrator and printmaker Alec Doherty, embroiderers Cléa Lala and Reena Makwana illustrator and animator Rozalina Burkova, fashion illustrator Elyse Blackshaw, artist Chrissie Abbott, the Craftivist Collective, fashion features director Tamsin Blanchard, and more from the Fash Rev community.
This zine also introduces readers to the GARMENT WORKER DIARIES, a yearlong research project led by Microfinance Opportunities about the real lives and wages of hundreds of garment workers in Cambodia, Bangladesh and India.
Order a limited edition printed copy for £10.50 +p&p here or read it online.
Fashion Revolution Week takes place April 24-30, 2017